This country pretends to be smart, but they prove day by day how much they lack of intelligence and judgement, people is celebrating the "death" of someone they believe is dead, just because another group of individuals said so without prove or whatsoever.
People say they believe in God, they say they want "justice", they say its wrong to kill; people JUST SAY, but they still do whatever they think is convenient for them, others are just followers that even though after they have their own believing just because the person they follow said it was the right thing, they change their whole point of view, some other people are only groupies, they just follow what the majority of people thinks is the "right thing to do", and others might thinks that the rest that i just mentioned are wrong but they prefer not to get involved.
In every situation there is always a very small percentage of people, that thinks that its not suppose to be that way, that thinks what happened is wrong and say it no matter they are only the %1 that thinks that way, and i am one of those, i don't just believe in what they tell me, i don't just go with the flow or am a groupie and i certainly don't just think and shut my mouth and swallow because others might think I'm wrong or crazy , and i write this post to say and express what i think about this situation we are being put on as USA residents and citizens we are.
NO one should be proud over no ones death, we are no one to take a life no matter who they are or what they have done , we are not God and we have no right at all to decide who should live or not, even if he did "plan" the 911, how is that going to make any justice or fix what's already done, are we now acting like savages an eye for an eye? because we all know that this is not going to stop here, there is always going to be a reason why this country is going to """have""" to declare WAR to whatever country it is, so if anyone is concerned about the security of this country, shouldn't really be worried about the "terrorist" because there are bigger treats we should be focusing on, and we all know witch those are , but mostly everyone pretends to ignore it.
I know that in that group that is celebrating the death of a great "Terrorist" there's allot of people that makes them self be called christ followers, just remember that is in scripted in our book guide the holly bible in Exodus 20;13 "You shall not murder" it does not say with exception of... it clearly says "You shall not murder"
I hope people grow some guts and give their opinion about this post, thank you once again.
i happen to be included in that 1 % as well seems to be... as everyone knows and try to ignore it Osama's daddy is one of the biggest Arabic fuel companies shareholder and also friend with George Bush make long story short and confirmed directly from militar specialists Osama Bin Laden was always under USA special forces protection,meaning that location has been always known by a select group,so 1st of all i dont think he was even 'killed' and IF* he really was have in mind that while all ignorants are 'celebrating' that he was killed,all his follower from AL Qaeda will be just planning their next move towards their 'potential enemy' ...ask the family or the few survivors from 911 if 'believing or hearing' that Bin Laden was killed make them feel better or brought their love ones back..
ResponderEliminari wish more people thought like us
EliminarI too am included in the 1%. Eye for an eye only makes the world blind.... and to be honest I am quiet disgusted at those who are celebrating the death of another human being...
ResponderEliminar100% agree with you